Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Leaving Costa Rica

After the busy day of rafting, today was a relatively easy day. We had a late morning departure from our ridiculously gorgeous hotel, and made our way back to San Jose. Along the way, we made a pitstop at a bridge where many crocodiles congregate. Some of them were huge...

After the rest of the drive, we finally made it back to our hotel where we spent our first night in Costa Rica, got checked in, and then had a nature hike around the area where we were staying, seeing some beautiful flora and waterfalls along the way.

After the hot day and long hike, we were sweaty, so mojitos were in order! After a quick shower, it was time for our farewell dinner. It was in one of the larger suites at the hotel, which had an amazing view of the sunset.

We had a delicious dinner, and of course the wine, champagne, and cocktails were flowing, so a good time was had by all!

After all the booze, eventually the clothes came off, the bathing suits came on, and we were in the pool and/or jacuzzi. After several hours of boozing it up, it was time to put our livers to sleep, and so we called it a night.

The next morning, I had a leisurely breakfast, packed up, said my last goodbyes and then was whisked away to the airport, where both of my flights were on time (thank you, Continental!). I arrived in Shreveport fairly late this evening, and will be glad that I will be with family for the next three nights before I'm off again! I mean, I SOMEONE has to do all my laundry...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:San Jose, Costa Rica

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