Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Palau, Day 1, Part 2

So after lunch, we went to an amazing place called Big Drop Off. It's called this because the coral reef has a big drop off where the water gets extremely deep, and there is essentially a wall of reef and fish and it was just amazing. Well, see for yourself...

Our next stop was called St. Cardinal. It was much smaller and there wasn't too much to see, but there were a couple of neat things I saw.

After a long day of snorkeling, we went back to the hotel and were treated to a magnificent sunset. One of the best I've seen in my life...

Just amazing. Then we went to dinner and now are back at the hotel, ready for bed... It's been a long day, and will be gearing up for another long one tomorrow. More blogs to come!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Koror, Palau

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