Saturday, May 7, 2011

Leaving Shreveport

Well, it's 3am on a Saturday morning, and unfortunately I haven't been out drinking... I've spent that last several hours doing laundry and packing for my next adventure!

My two days in Shreveport have been rewarding, for sure. Yesterday, I was able to help nurse my mom, who has been sick all week. It was a nice role reversal, and she was always the one nursing me growing up. I guess at some point the "kids" start taking care of the "grown-ups", and I got a very small glimpse of that this weekend. After that, I got to hang out with my niece and nephew. They are both getting so big! I love that my nephew who is just over 18 months knows me, even though I'm not here all that often. We had dinner, and afterwards I went to the Korner Bar (one of the two gay bars in town) for karaoke. A good time was had by all.

Today I ran errands, filled out a TON of paperwork for a trip I'm taking in September to Kazakstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan. After that I bid farewell to my mom and then went to a crawfish boil! After some great conversations and catching up with loved ones, I came back to the house to begin the packing process. I am happy report that I am all packed up, ready to go, and with a whole hour to spare. Now it is just a countdown until I can catch a cab. Sure, it's early and I'm gonna be whipped later, but it will all (hopefully)!be worth it!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Shreveport, LA

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